
This beautiful and intricate architecture gives us insight to our advanced ancestors of the past. The Old World was absolutely marvelous and incredibly advanced.

These structures were built by a much more sophisticated and advanced society than we have today. Our ancestors had technological and spiritual capabilities beyond our comprehension.

This beautiful collection of over 800 images gives us insight into our advanced past - our true history which was suppressed from us.

His-story is a lie; it is time to uncover the truth.

Images regarding Tartaria

Videos regarding Tartaria

How much of our History is

actually “real”

What were old fireplaces actually used for-How big is the lie that we have been told

Anybody else want to give their history teacher a call and ask WTF

Noah & Tartaria

Beautiful Old World vs. Soulless New World

Anybody Up For A History Reset


In Ancient Times, Fasces Were A Roman Symbol Of Power And Authority

This Puts It Into Perspective-The Mainstream Narrative Is That These Blocks Were Cut...

TARTARIA - FREE ENERGY AND MORE - The CIA Erased Tartarian History.

Hohenzollern Castle, Germany

The Old World Had Free Energy

Atmosperic Energy-Tartaria

Old Tartaria Before The Last Great Reset Took Place

Beautiful, Elaborate, Complex Water Towers

You've Been Lied To Since School, Making You An Obedient Slave!!!

1915 San Francisco's

ļ»æWorld Fair

So Beautiful It Makes The Heartache With Possibilities-Tartaria

Giant Doors Built For Giants

There Is Nothing New Under The Sun

Russian subway  vs

New Yorks Subway

Amazing creation of the old world, the old ancient world is much more advanced than we can ever be today


The reason why things come back in style is because they have us on a time loop...

There has always been free energy from the Aetherāš”ļø

The Unbelievable Sun Temple of Konark, India

This beautiful 200 year old desk really highlights the exceptional craftsmanship of our past

Why did they destroy the bells-- Turn your volume up to hear the healing sounds that they don't want you to hear

The dormant Tartarian energy generator unexpectedly sprang back to life, resuming its task of charging wireless devices

Tesla Tower

Aether can run the world

Our ancestors were not primitive...Mudflood-Reset(s)

The Old World - Free Energy-Tartaria

The Kingdom of Tartary and hidden technology

The old Advanced world that was hidden from us.

The Old World Before It Was Demolished

San Francisco World Fair, 1915. The Old World


Research Tartaria, discover the real history that is being hidden from us.

Moving Sidewalk in Paris 123 years ago....

The Greatest Civilization Ever - Tartaria!

All of the inventions we see today is just reinvented old technology

The Alaska -Yukon Pacific Exposition 1909....

Outside St Anne's Cathedral in Belfast. Checking out the stonework ... and the symbolism. Plenty of both.

The giant buildings of Brussels, Belgium

The giants of Tartaria!

Hindu Temple Buried In Sand

Tartaria And The Underworld  Sacred Wisdom Podcast

Ancient Sacred Geometry-Magnetrons

A jaw-dropping old world music box!

A unique Design built into every Energy Structure...

History is a set of lies agreed upon. We will remember

Bottle Cage Lagerstroemia Indica, several plant stems woven to make a vase. The plants are still alive in this shape. šŸ˜±

Back in the Day, There were GIANTS...

Giants in the early 1900's

Interesting theory

Interesting video about TartariašŸ§

Tartarian Mud Floods

After 1800 World Reset Impressive Photos of Old Buildings, Repopulation Clones and Giants

Great fires every year-- Seems more than by chance-- Not to mention all the stone and granite temporary buildings… catching on fire

The door to the Lateran Basilica is more than 2,000 years old...

The Great Fires were actually resets to hide our true history

The First Photographs of Scotland [Edinburgh] by Thomas Keith (1844-1859) “The Athens of the North”

40,000 Pound Stones in a Horse Wagon! - Minneapolis City Hall

Do you believe this was carved from the side of a mountain using only hammers and chisels??

Giants Roamed The Earth...

Built with hammers and chisels and horses and carts--Yeah, right!!

Behold Tartaria!!

Church of Santissima Annunziata, Florence, Italy, 1250

Church of Santissima Annunziata, Florence, Italy, 1250

Nike (Winged Victory) of Samothrace

Secret Knowledge in Plain Sight (Electric Cathedrals)

Hammers and chisels, Horses and Carts, Elbow Grease....


The Timeline Deception - Exploring Tartaria

The TimeLine Deception Part 2

Colomares Castle


8 hours of our lost world that the world government hides from you

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