Food / Health / Wellness

Our Health

Health and wellness are important because it affects almost every aspect of your life. More than half of Americans believe their health is more important to them than it was a few years ago. This would involve making healthy choices with lifestyle, diet and exercise. It helps you live your life to the fullest potential, prevents illnesses and injuries and improves quality of life. Wellness is primarily being in good physical and mental health. Because they are closely linked, problems in one area can impact the other.

At the same time, improving your physical health can also benefit mental health and other areas of your life. It's important to be mindful that wellness is an intentional, holistic and ongoing approach to making healthy choices for you. These would include: Physical, Spiritual, Social, Intellectual, Occupational, Cultural, Environmental and Emotional Wellness.  Below are images regarding Food, Health and Wellness, not just for us, but our pets as well.

Images regarding Food / Health / Wellness/Spiritual

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