Fall of the Cabal: Parts 1 - 28
by Janet Ossebaard & Cynthia Koeter
The Plandemic: Parts 1 - 3
The Takedown of the Cabal from A - Z: with Charlie Freak
David Lester Straight: Utah Seminar 2021
David Lester Straight: Out of Babylon
Best Kept Secrets: Chapters 1 - 6
Pervywood 9.1: Volumn 1 - 4
Pervywood 9.2: Volumn 1 - 4
A Poisoned World: Parts 1 - 72
Shade Shifters: Parts 1 - 3
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This website is a resource of information that is available to the public on MANY platforms. Under no circumstances does this website claim the information provided is created or owned by me. It was built to share with humanity as a guide to inform and teach from a number of great resources on one platform. There was a lot of work done to put these images/videos together on one site and was done so as my humanitarian efforts to be of service to all of you. The website is NOT monetized and NO items are for sale. Most of the information has been provided by several individuals along with myself. It is my honor to help and serve humanity. Most Images and all videos are third party. If you'd like to join TELEGRAM: you can download the app on your phone... or for desktop:
God Bless, Rita, "Patriot & Humanitarian"